Summary of changes to Google’s Terms of Service

for users in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom

This summary will help you understand the key updates that we made to our Terms of Service for users based in the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom. We hope that this page is helpful, but we urge you to read the terms in full.


What’s covered in these terms

This section provides a general overview of Google's business, our relationship with you, the topics that these terms discuss and why these terms are important.

  • We've added a sentence encouraging you to download the terms so that you can look at them in the future. We also make the previous versions of our terms available online as well.

Your relationship with Google

This section gives you background information about Google and its business.

  • We've added the word 'access' for consistency with the wording in other parts of these terms. This means that these terms apply whether you use our services or just access them.
  • For users based in France only: Based on French law requirements, we moved some of the details about how Google's business works and how we earn money directly into the terms.

What you can expect from us

This section describes our approach to improving and changing our services.

  • We've added another example of a Google device – the Pixel.
  • For users based in France only: Based on French law requirements, we've clarified the situations in which we may change not only our digital content or services, but also our goods, as well as the notice that we'll provide.

What we expect from you

This section describes your responsibilities if you choose to use Google services.

  • We've added the word 'access' for consistency with the wording in other parts of these terms. This means that these terms apply whether you use our services or just access them.
  • We've added a link to our Transparency Centre, which is a resource that you can use to learn about our product policies and to report violations.
  • We've clarified that, in addition to policies and help centres, we also provide instructions and warnings within our services.
  • We've revised the 'Rules of conduct' section by moving the 'abuse, harm, interference and disruption' bullet into a new section called 'Don't abuse our services', where we provide more details about the kinds of abusive activities that we don't allow.

Don't abuse our services

We've added this new, more detailed section because, unfortunately, a small number of people have not been respecting our rules. We’re providing more examples and details of the kinds of abuse and interference with our services that aren't allowed.

Content in Google services

In this section, we describe the rights that each of us has in the content that's in our services – including your content, Google content and other content.

  • In the 'Your content' section, we've added a new sentence explaining that we won't claim ownership in original content generated by our services, including our generative AI services.

Software in Google services

This section describes software that you may find in our services, and explains the permissions given to you to use that software.

  • We've added the word 'preloaded' because some of our software is preloaded onto devices and doesn't need to be 'downloaded'.

In case of problems and disagreements

For users based in France only: Legal guarantee

This section summarises the guarantees provided to you by law.

  • Instead of using our own wording in this section, based on French law requirements, we're now displaying the exact language used in the French Consumer Code to describe the legal guarantees.


This section describes our liabilities in case of disputes. A liability is a loss from any type of legal claim.

For all users

  • We've rewritten a sentence for clarity and deleted a sentence that was hard for some users to understand.
  • We've clarified that these terms don't limit liability for 'gross negligence'.

For business users and organisations only

  • We've clarified that the indemnity that business users and organisations give to Google will not apply to the extent that a liability or expense is caused by Google's breach, negligence or wilful misconduct.
  • We've also clarified that the monetary cap on liability in this section doesn't override the list of unlimited liabilities in the 'For all users' section.

Taking action in case of problems

This section describes the reasons why we might remove your content from our services or stop your access to Google services.

  • We revised the first paragraph for clarity.
  • In the 'Suspending or terminating your access to Google services' section, we've clarified that suspension or termination aren't our only remedies, and that we may have other legal rights that we can exercise.

EEA instructions on withdrawal

This section provides you with a copy of the European Union’s model instructions on withdrawal.

  • We deleted the reference to '28 May 2022' because that date has already passed.

Key terms

This section describes key words that appear in the terms.

  • We've updated the definition of 'commercial guarantee' for clarity.
  • For users based in France only: Based on French law requirements, we've updated the definition of 'legal guarantee' to include 'hidden defects'.



An entity that belongs to the Google group of companies, which means Google LLC and its subsidiaries, including the following companies that provide consumer services in the EU: Google Ireland Limited, Google Commerce Limited and Google Dialer Inc.

business user

An individual or entity who is not a consumer (see consumer).


An individual who uses Google services for personal, non-commercial purposes outside of their trade, business, craft or profession. This includes 'consumers' as defined in Regulation 4 of the consumer contracts (Information, cancelation and additional charges) regulations 2013. (See business user)

A legal right that allows the creator of an original work (such as a blog post, photo or video) to decide if and how that original work may be used by others, subject to certain limitations and exceptions (such as 'fair use' and 'fair dealing').

country version

If you have a Google Account, we associate your account with a country (or territory) so that we can determine:

  • the Google affiliate that provides the services to you and that processes your information as you use the services
  • the version of the terms that govern our relationship

When you’ve signed out, your country version is determined by the location where you’re using Google services. If you have an account, you can and view these terms to see the country associated with it.


A statement that limits someone’s legal responsibilities.

indemnify or indemnity

An individual or organisation’s contractual obligation to compensate the losses suffered by another individual or organisation from legal proceedings such as lawsuits.

intellectual property rights (IP rights)

Rights over the creations of a person’s mind, such as inventions (patent rights); literary and artistic works (copyright); designs (design rights), and symbols, names and images used in commerce (trademarks). IP rights may belong to you, another individual or an organisation.


Losses from any type of legal claim, whether the claim is based on a contract, tort (including negligence) or other reason, and whether or not those losses could have been reasonably anticipated or foreseen.


A legal entity (such as a corporation, non-profit or school) and not an individual person.


The Google services that are subject to these terms are the products and services listed at, including:

  • apps and sites (like Search and Maps)
  • platforms (like Google Shopping)
  • integrated services (such as Maps embedded in other companies' apps or sites)
  • devices and other goods (like Google Nest)

Many of these services also include content that you can stream or interact with.


Symbols, names and images used in commerce that are capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one individual or organisation from those of another.

UK Platform-to-Business Regulation

The Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 on promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services, as incorporated into the laws of the United Kingdom.


An assurance that a product or service will perform to a certain standard.

your content

Things that you create, upload, submit, store, send, receive or share using our services, such as:

  • Docs, Sheets and Slides that you create
  • blog posts that you upload through Blogger
  • reviews that you submit via Maps
  • videos that you store in Drive
  • emails that you send and receive through Gmail
  • pictures that you share with friends via Photos
  • travel itineraries that you share with Google
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